We have several homes for sale around Griffwood, and folks are asking what are the Terraces. Griffwood sits on a small hill overlooking Lake Griffin. When the development was planned, terraces were incorporated, I'm sure, to manage water runoff. They just add to the beauty of the Park, don't you think? Look for homes for sale throughout our postings!
This is the time of year when the children come visiting. Today we took other members of the Firestone Family out on the lake. Jim and Donna's grandson Marcus, his wife Kristen and their daughter Sydney enjoyed the sun and fun! Sydney and Great Gramps scout for pirates! (lol!) Sydney was fascinated with the back of the boat.
And then, we let Sydney drive!!! She did a great job!
Of course Cap'n Norm wasn't too far away!
It was a beautiful day! The gators were out, lots of folks were boating, and we were blessed with abundant sunshine!
To see all the homes we have for sale, please check the past blogs to the right. You will find them throughout the site. Hope you're having a great day. It's shaping up to be another winner here in Griffwood!
Del heads out to his favorite fishing spot early in the morning. The rain held off till way late in the day!
Don (eventual winner of "Largest Fish Caught Off the Dock") caught some huge catfish!
Winners/Men's Division: Jim Billups: Largest Fish By Weight; Tom Tipler: Largest Single Fish By Weight; Bob Eichelberger: Second Place, Largest Fish By Weight; Women's Division: Ann Sellards: Largest Single Fish By Weight and Largest Fish By Weight; Peggy Thomas: Second Place, Largest Fish By Weight; and Don Connors: Largest Fish Caught Off Dock. Standing behind the winners is Bill Snelling, Boat Club Commodore. Congratulations all!
One of our best events ever, and the pics didn't turn out! Darn!!! Congratulations to all! Winners: First Place: Shirley Potter; Second Place: Greg McKaufsky; Third Place: June Lamanna. We all--around 60 of us--consumed 12 crockpots full of delicious chili of all kinds!