Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Perfect Day For A Boat Ride

These are Jill and Dawayne Boyle's children and grandchildren (and Jake and June LaManna's grands and great-grands): Audrey, husband Mark, children Maddy, Will and Abby.

 Abby was a fantastic driver!
 Spotting gators.

We saw several gators, tons of birds, and many turtles!

Out On The Boat

Today was a perfect day for a couple of boat rides!
 These are Joan Doherty's son John, his wife Debie and their children Grace and John.
 Looking for gators! We spotted a few.
 John and Grace loved driving the boat.
 And they both did great!

Come back soon!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

April~Spring Break~Boat Rides!

Spring break is a great time for the grand children and great grandchildren to visit. Today we welcomed two of Coach Firestone's great grandchildren. They are adorable!
 Welcome aboard Sidnee, Lucas and Great Grandpa Firestone!
 Looking for gators - they were all hidden today.
 But there were tons of birds on Bird Island!

Cap'n Sidnee did a great job piloting the boat!
Back on the boat with Mom and Dad - Marcus and Kristen
 New driver. Lucas was great!
Lucas, Norm and Sidnee
Everybody including Nana Angie
Lucas is a bundle of happiness!
Marcus, Chloe and Sidnee

Summer Birthdays

Summer Birthdays
 Happy Birthday Jake, Ed, Diane (stress fracture), Bob, Norm, Aggie and Don!
And thanks for the delicious cakes and ice cream!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Mardi Gras

We had a fantastic Mardi Gras Event last week! Food was super, games were great - what more is there?
 Barb Viele and hubby Art who served as bartender.
 Jim and Donna Firestone
 This is Marie. She planned the event. Behind her are three pots full of soups: Alice Hambleton's gumbo with rice (delicious!); Jerry Breuel's New England seafood chowder (to die for!) and Paula Skolds' potato soup (fantastic). What you can't see is the table to Marie's right laden with snacks, or the dessert table. Marie is holding a pitcher, and in that pitcher are beads. The game was to guess the number of beads in that pitcher. Doncha know someone came very close - see below! Great party Marie!!!!
 Liz and Don Godfrey. Always love it when they come to visit!
 Julie and Ed Englund. They'll be headed back to Minnesota soon!
 Good friends Theresa Shetrawski and Kas MacFadden
Don and Elaine won the "Guess the Number of Beads" count. (There were over 10,000!)

Boat Ride

Jim and Donna Firestone's son and Dan and family came for a visit, and we took them out on the boat. It was a great day for a ride, and we had a great time!
 Jim, Carson, Dan, Melissa and Weyth

 Norm spotted a gator, and we're going back to find it. We saw several!
Great family! Come back soon.